Monday, October 01, 2007

Video: Social Bookmarking in Plain English | Common Craft - In Plain English

The Common Craft Show is about simple video tutorials in "plain english" that introduce consumers to new technology products. Common Craft is a small company run by a married couple who are passionate about explanation.

Our business is explanation. We are hired to take a fresh look at a situation, problem, product or service and create a video that explains the issue in plain English so that a maximum number of people can understand it.

On a recent update, they turned their unique style and technique to the task of explaining Social Bookmarking with services like

We made this video because we want others to feel the power of social bookmarking and how it works to make web pages easier to remember, organize and share.

Tools like these make the whole internet much more useful. Introducing these tools to the uninitiated is made less daunting using these videos from the Common Craft Show. See their site and other videos at - In Plain English.

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